Multi Disc Harrow

Multi Disc Harrow performs breaking and mixing procedures more efficiently than disc harrows known due to the independent disc structure and machine construction; and each disc operates individually due to the bearing. When rubber cushions which are on each disc are stuck on an obstacle, breaking and damages on the chassis are removed because of forward-backward movements of the disc. It is effected less from the surface roughness of the field. It almost gives no harm to the field leveling. Furthermore, the roll installed on the chassis steps on the soil lifted by the discs at the same time and minimizes the humidity loss after the operation. The machine may be operated in heavy minimi soils easily.

Tecnical Features Units Models 
Number of Discs pcs 16 20 24 28 32
Disc Diameter  mm 560x5
Distance Between Disc cm 25
Bed  Numbers on Crank pcs 16 20 24 28 32
Working Width  cm 200 250 300 350 400
Total Width cm 210 260 310 360 410
Total Length cm 240
Total Height  cm 160
Weight  kg 1325 1405 1540 1700 2000
Tractor Power hp 60-70 80-90 100-110 120-130 140-150