Rotary Windrower

Rotary Hay Rake is facilitates the picking and the baling with the grass picking trailer or baling machine by forming the harvested feed-plants in barrels arranged at regular intervals. It has a high manoeuvrability and has little power requirements and wide range performances. It performs a high-quality picking by leaving clean stubble as it doesn’t leave any stone or similar objects in the grass that has been picked. The rake arms that constitute the picking unit of the machine are attached to the conveyor slots after being disassembled; in this way, the total length of the machine is minimized by folding suitably for safe transport.

Tecnical Features Units Models 
Number of Arm pcs 9
Number of Rotor pcs 1
Number of Wheel pcs 2
Transport  Width cm 150
Working  Width cm 330
Weight kg 390
Tractor Power hp 45